ATA 187 Discovery

Hi ,

It can seem dumb , but I’ve just played/discovered the ATA 187 ( which is working in SIP) . while I was trying to enter in the IVR menu , I was prompted for a password that we have not in the past.So after one or two google line , I finally discovered that the default password is cisco ( yeah I know , they are very hard 🙂 ) , so in numeric it is giving you 24726.

numb advise of the day 🙂 lol


Direction towards obtaining the CCIE Voice Certification

Hi ,

Two days ago , I received this question from someone who has reached my profile through LinkedIn. I decided to advise him by mail with some ideas about my own situation and experiences.

Now let’s come back with this reflexion  and share some ideas with you and for anyone who wants to achieve the CCIE Voice certification.

  • Firstly, don’t forget that this certification as well the CCNA , CCNPs are individual certifications meaning that it is up to you to reach them, nobody can work for you. So your motivation will be the key element to reach it and it is not only your motivation but also the motivation of people living with you , family and friends as you will be very busy during all your trip to study for it.
  • Motivation to study , motivation to learn , motivation to work lately ,motivation to share  are only some few elements to what I think and you must consider at least.

  • Secondly,  once you have defined your goal , commit yourself with your family a plan to reach your objective as the time that you spent to study , to practise is very important. Before to obtain your certificate , I can assure as all other CCIE that I know that they have passed a lot of hours behind they study guide or their racks to configure some stuffs. And try to obey this planning as every little hour is important. So write down all hours done for your studies in an excell sheet to see your progression
  • Thirdly, consider every line of the Lab Exam Topics as your bible . I mean you should now that every point in that list can be tested and so need from you that you know what it is and how to play with it because reaching your goal depends on your ability to deploy quickly what they are asking you. To help you to compulse this list and understand all points , SRNDs will be your friends as you will find into it a lot of informations.
  • Fourthly, consider that you are not alone and you have a lot of other people trying to reach the same objective as you. So don’t be shy to make contact through Skype, Twitter , Yahoo , LinkedIn , … as the discussion that you can have with others can ease some points where you have difficulty. Also belonging to a study group will permit you to confront all your point of view and see if you are right in your vision ( SRND are not all time easy to understand and you know probably already it but a word in a sentence can change the meaning of it) because  don’t forget that nobody is perfect and CCIEs are also doing mistakes because we are human beings !!!! Try to share your practise with your group as there is not only one way to do one task, there are several ways to achieve it so you need to know the difference amongst them.
  • Consider that fact: Belonging to a group is important because sometime you will be the student and some other times , you will be the teacher and the more than you can teach , the more you are doing progress on your path ( there is always a beginning). (more…)

Good News – CCIE #26851

After a long wait and some others long hours of labbing , I’m proud to announce you that since this Tuesday 31st August , I’m officially CCIE Voice .

It has been a hard work but it is worth .

I will come back later with some tips/approach .


Calling ID , Type and Plan

Hi ,

Just as a reminder when you sit in the lab, try to not forget to put the correct Calling number , type and plan and this for all situation so it is true as well for SRST.

So a good vision of the call routing is important

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