CUE : Quick Definition

CUE is as the CME a small business voice mail solution that you can easily deploy on a router. Most of the time, CUE will reside on the same chassis than the CME but for some implementations, you can split both. The only backdraw is that you must have a LAN connectivity between your elements.

CUE is interesting because it doens’t provide only voice mail but can also provide a small Auto-Attendant (AA). The integration between CUE and CME is done via the SIP protocol, while the integration with a Call Manager will be done via JTAPI ( CTI-QBE). It can be the case for implementation where you need to provide Unity backup on SRST location).

CUE will be supported by Network Module (NM-CUE) or as an Advanced Integration Module (AIM-CUE).

CME Integration with Cisco Unity

CME can be integrated with Cisco Unity, it is more or less as an integration with Call Manager except the fact that you must every setting in the CLI mode. Let’s see a kind of basic config:

voicemail 5555
ephone-dn 10
number 1234
call-forward busy 5555
call-forward noan 5555 timeout 10
ephone-dn 16
number 5566
mwi on
ephone-dn 17
number 5577
mwi off
ephone-dn 20
number 5555
name “VM-Port 1”
preference 0
no huntstop
ephone-dn 21
number 5555
name “VM-Port 2”
preference 1

no huntstop
ephone-dn 22
number 5555
name “VM-Port 3”
preference 2

no huntstop
ephone-dn 23
number 5555
name “VM-Port 4”
preference 3

ephone 20
vm-device-id “CISCOUM-VI1”
button 1:20
ephone 21
vm-device-id “CISCOUM-VI2”
button 1:21
ephone 22
vm-device-id “CISCOUM-VI3”
button 1:22
ephone 23
vm-device-id “CISCOUM-VI3”
button 1:23

So you can easily see that your config is trying to match the Unity port name and this is done with the command vm-device-id <<string>>. It helps also to register with Unity where you need the deviceId instead of a mac-address.

CME Call Hunt and Ephone Hunt groups

Call Hunt allows a search among ephone-dn dial peers for an available ephone-dn to answer the call. This can be used to provide a kind of call waiting solution. take a look at the following configuration:

number 1000
no huntstop
preference 1
call-forward noan 1501
ephone-dn 20
number 2000
preference 2
call-forward busy 1501
call-forward noan 1501
ephone 1
mac-address AAAA.BBBB.CCCC
button 1:10 2:20

So in this setup, if the phone extension is already busy on 1000, a second call still can hit the ephone-dn 20 and as the first one has told to continue the hunt, then making ringing the phone again on incoming call.
Another mechanism of hunting is to use the ephone-hunt group notion. In that configuration , an incoming call will be directed to a hunt-group pilot number which will hunt a group of ephone-dn. Let see the following config

ephone-dn 10
number 1000
ephone-dn 20
number 2000
ephone-dn 30
number 3000
ephone 10
mac-address AAAA.BBBB.CCCC
button 1:10
ephone 20
mac-address AAAA.BBBB.DDDD
button 1:20
ephone 30
mac-address AAAA.BBBB.EEEE
button 1:30
ephone-hunt 1 peer
pilot 5000
list 1000,2000,3000
final 4000
timeout 10

For the hunting, you have the following opportunities:

  • Peer : Configures hunting in a circular manner among the hunt group member DNs, starting with the DN to the right of the last DN to ring
  • Sequential : Configures hunting in a sequential manner, left to right and always starting with the left most DN in the list
  • Longest-idle : Specifies hunting based on how long DNs have been idle. In that case, the call will go to the DN that has been idle the longest
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