New Things are coming on :)

Ok back on trail in 2017 , I really need to revamp my blog 🙂 .

This is why I will try to jump again on the blog and begin to publish more things in regards with the Collaboration stuffs .

It will not be just in regards with the CCIE Certification but it will become in the upcoming weeks , just a Cisco Collaboration blog where I and you can share your stuffs .

So in the upcoming weeks , pay also attention that the website will change to become more attractive and I will see also what I will migrate in the new layout as a lot of datas are now outdated

See you soon in the next week


Hi All ,

You have probably see some works these past days on the blog and I want to apologize for any inconvenience you can have but after 1,5 … 2 years of inactivity . I want to come back and post some stuffs as I did in the past .


cucm 8.5 , personal directory


i have cucm 8.5. when i use personal directory in my ephone i have ” host not found ” error .but when i use cisco soft phone ,i can  log in to personal directory with userID and pin code …

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